Let's Take Your Intimacy To Red Hot?

(sexually, spiritually, emotionally and physically)


For a sensual, erotic, emotionally connected, intentional, and steamy marriage inside and outside the bedroom!

It still Honors God, Marriage, and your Spouse!

Again, Let Us Show You How 

Bill and Janean Fuller

The Christian Intimacy Experts

We're Not Like the Others

We're  All About Experiencing Intimacy With God And Spouse Deeper!

Ignite the Passion and Desire

This course is hands-on intimacy experiences from a certified Christian Sex Therapist with a masters degree in counseling and a postgraduate specialization in clinical sex therapy.

If you only want to read about and discuss sex and intimacy and not experience it then this course is NOT for you! 

If you don't think a great sex life first starts with deep intimacy with God then this course is NOT for you!











Start Your Journey Now!

What if you could have the intimacy you've longed for with your spouse, a deeper connection to what you never thought was possible, and were guided toward that dream? Here's a secret: YOU can!

Start Your Amazing Journey Now!

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Introduction to Divine Desire Married Edition Complete
    • DD Introduction #1
    • DD Introduction #2
    • Intro - Table of Contents, How to Use This Protocol, Weekly Session Descriptions
    • Intimacy is Opposed
    • APPENDIX A (What Does It Mean to be a Christian?) & APPENDIX B (Your Authority In Christ Over the Enemy)
  • 2
    Week 13
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 13
  • 3
    Week 14
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 14
  • 4
    Week 15
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 15
  • 5
    Week 16
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 16
  • 6
    Week 17
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 17
  • 7
    Week 18
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 18
  • 8
    Week 19
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 19
  • 9
    Week 20
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 20
  • 10
    Week 21
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 21
  • 11
    Week 22
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 22
  • 12
    Week 23
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 23
  • 13
    Week 24
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 24
  • 14
    Week 25
    • Divine Desire Protocol Week 25

Christians Should Be Having the Best Sex!

What's getting in the way of you having the best sex ever? Are you falling into bed exhausted, giving each other the fumes and letting life happen to you, instead of intentionally putting God and each other first? These little foxes are insidious and quietly on the prowl, and they would like nothing better than to stop your garden from blossoming!

And chances are, you've been taught to put God first, your spouse second, your children third and everything else after that. But too often, those things don't come first, and a couple's intimacy with the Lord and their spouses are the first to go. Does this sound like you?

We've seen this turn around for our couples when they discovered an "intimate rhythm of living" through this biblically-based course. They've become intentionally passionate with both their heavenly and earthly lovers.

Is this something you desire? With Bill and Janean as your personal Intimacy Experts, and step by step mentoring through our new online video courses that hope can be reignited, and guess what? You'll be experiencing more love, more sex, more romance, and more intimacy!

Jesus is offering you a way back to freedom and the abundant intimate life He has for you with Him and your spouse!



  • Tested over 12 years in our private counseling practice with hundreds of couples from all over the world!

  • You'll save $1,950 in weekly counseling fees and still have your own person Christian Intimacy Experts to guide you!

  • You'll receive step-by-step instruction, and each experience will build on the previous one.

  • You can move at your own pace because you'll have unlimited access to the course.

  • Complete in the privacy of your own home

  • You'll learn all about God's intention for your marital love and intimacy!

  • Each week you'll complete three “Intimacy Experiences” with the Lord and your spouse.

  • We'll teach you how to do the "Intimacy Experiences" on videos and in written instructions each week (No Nudity).

  • Your course is private and completely secure with easy access to your online course platform!

  • All, leading to a more abundantly rich and fulfilled one-flesh marriage!

Sexual, Emotional, and Spiritual FREEDOM


  • Be fun, creative, and increase your SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL and SEXUAL intimacy with your one-flesh lover!

  • To finally move forward, increasing your attraction and desire for one another, along with learning new ways to connect with your spouse!

  • Increase romance and enjoy each other's whole person spiritually, emotionally and physically.

  • To deeply know your spouse and be fully known in return (yada sex or one-flesh) and you'll learn how to love each other according to your spouse's uniqueness and their preferred love languages. You'll become familiar with all the nuances of your own and your spouse’s sensuality!

  • If you're a husband we'll teach you how to pursue, romance and connect with your wife. And if you're a wife we'll encourage you in your alluring power and teach you how to respond to his pursuit!

  • To experience God intimately, be healed in His presence, hear His voice, and rest in His love during difficult times!

  • Increase your sexual desire, passion, connection, playfulness, and eroticism and develop “active” communication and listening skills!

  • Connect on a emotional level with your spouse as well as own, acknowledge and emote your own feelings!

  • Be free and become the sexual and sensual person GOD created YOU to be, and recover God’s original intent for your love-making. You'll be NAKED and UNASHAMED!

Two Pricing Options for Your Convenience

You have completed 1/2 of the Divine Desire Married treatment protocol. The second half will take your marriage and intimacy with God to a higher and more meaningful level.

Meet Your Intimacy Mentors

The Fullers

Bill (a Christian Formation and Soul Care Director) and Janean (a Clinical Christian Sex Therapist)

BILL FULLER has over 33 years of experience as a Spiritual Formation Director, Pastoral Counselor, and Associate/Small Groups and Home Church Pastor. He holds a B.A. in Christian Leadership and Theology from Colorado Christian University and graduated with a Master’s degree in Christian Formation and Soul Care at Denver Seminary. Bill is the author of It Is Finished—Resting in the Grace of God, Gods Intimacy Prayer—Restoration in Gods Presence, and Spirituality and Sexuality—Re-capturing Wholeness and Purity from Addiction. He has been an Adjunct Professor at various Bible Colleges and Church’s. He is the author of several Bible studies on New Covenant theology, grace, eternal security, home church, and salvation. He is certified by the American Association of Christian Counselors in Human Sexuality. He is a Masters-level Christian Mind-Body Work practitioner trained at the Splankna Therapy Institute in Denver, Colorado. He is the co-founder of New Covenant GraceLife Ministries.

JANEAN FULLER has 34 years of experience in counseling—marriages, families, singles, and survivors of sexual abuse. She received a Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling under the direction of Dr. Larry Crabb at Colorado Christian University. She completed five advanced-level, post-graduate courses (150 classroom hours) in Human Sexuality, Sexual Dysfunctions, Medical Aspects of Sexual Functioning, Advanced Sex Therapy, Sexual Trauma and Abuse, and Compulsive Addictive and Paraphilic Sexuality at the Institute for Sexual Wholeness. She is a Christian Clinical Sex Therapist. She completed her clinical supervision under Dr. Douglas Rosenau (the first Christian sex therapist and the author of Celebration of Sex). Janean has been a guest adjunct professor at the Institute for Biblical Studies at Focus on the Family and Colorado Christian University, and a national Single Parent Trainer for Crown Financial Ministries. She is a Masters-level Christian Mind-Body Work practitioner trained at the Splankna Therapy Institute in Denver, Colorado.  She is the author of several published magazine articles and radio commentaries for Focus on the Family and other Christian publications. She is the author of the Divine Desire treatment protocols and online courses on the Thinkific platform. She is the co-founder of New Covenant GraceLife Ministries.

Hi! We're Your Intimacy Experts!

We'd like to pass on to you the same comfort and healing God has given us! 1 Corinthians 1:4

Our Sexual Intimacy Was Buried and Frozen

Our Clients Would Always say, "If God can help Bill and Janean, God can help anybody!"

Janean and I are personally acquainted with this kind of pain, because this was exactly where we found ourselves, starting on our wedding night and continuing into the next few years of our marriage. 

I (Bill) had come into our marriage sexually shut-down and repressed. I was a dead man walking not only emotionally, but sexually as well. As a single man, and a small groups pastor,  I didn’t know how to manage my struggle with lust, so I thought it was best to bury my sexuality under a tombstone.  Can you imagine the inscription?


Here Lies Bill Fuller ‘Pardon Me for not Rising!’

When I couldn’t handle the suppression any longer, my sexuality would rise from the grave, and I would act out by looking at pornography. I’d feel an incredible amount of shame, and I’d start down the path of beating myself up thinking it would motivate me to try harder. 

It’s no surprise that, despite marrying my gorgeous wife Janean, I couldn’t unearth my desire, and the porn use caused E.D. too!  

Before we married, Janean brought my heart alive! But after we got married, it seemed that all I could offer her was a husband who was apathetic: romantically, emotionally and sexually. 

Here’s what Janean says about those painful years in our marriage: 

"I had struggled with body-image issues my entire life. As a young woman, I was objectified and used by men because of my beauty. Then later as a single parent, I doubted I could ever be beautiful or thin enough to get a worthy man to pursue me. 

During my single years, I prayed for a future soul mate, asking God to send me a good man who would fight for me, know my heart, and understand how deeply I desired to be cherished for who I really was. I longed for intimacy with my future husband and at the same time, I wanted to honor God and my convictions by waiting until marriage to have sex. Bill had tried to deaden his sexual desires completely, but not me! 

Instead, I put my sexuality on ice, looking forward to the day I could marry again and my sexuality could be thawed and brought back to life!"

Nevertheless, tension and hurt feelings dominated our sex life. 

Early on in our marriage, we went to see various marriage counselors, but no one (including Christian counselors, spiritual leaders, and friends) would get near our sexual problems with a ten-foot pole. We became so desperate to get help for us that Janean went back to school and completed a two-year, post-graduate certification in clinical Christian Sex Therapy.

But maybe like us you’ve felt like you’ve lost an integral part of who you are. Most likely you long for a deep connection with your spouse that assures you that you’re loved, that you belong and your life matters. It’s true because at the core of your being you yearn for and long for true intimacy. You want a deep connection with a lover or a soul mate who compliments you. 

And guess what? Unless you both have the gift of celibacy, you were never intended to make this life pilgrimage or journey alone. “Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Gen. 2:18).

 Maybe you find yourself in the following dilemma too: what you most deeply long for, and desire, you also greatly fear? Could it be that one or both of you, like me, want the fruit of companionship without the expectation of true emotional, spiritual and sexual intimacy? 

We’re figuring that you probably wouldn’t be reading this if something within you wasn’t dissatisfied with the safe, predictable, or non-existent intimacy you’re now experiencing. Our guess is that one of you (hopefully both of you) are aching for that deep intimate encounter with your spouse the way the Lord intended. If some twinges of fear are being exposed, just realize that’s your flesh, or maybe even the enemy using fear to mask the good and holy ache within you for genuine, life-sustaining intimacy with the Lord and your spouse. Take it from us, it won’t go away!

Whether your issues involve low desire, lack of arousal, pain, or orgasm issues this course will deepen your intimacy with the Lord and your spouse and specifically include step-by-step, sensate-focus intimacy experiences that Janean has highly Christianized that you both complete in the privacy of your own home. They also include some Christian-mind bodywork to help you break strongholds and move forward. You can do the protocol on your own, or if you have experienced trauma in your past you can see a marriage counselor in your area as you work through the protocol with their support. 

Only God can give you the comfort, courage, and strength to take you through the next steps towards healing and restoration. Be assured that God is for your sexual intimacy and marriage covenant, and He is committed to gently heal the reasons why you’re struggling sexually in the first place. 

It’s not about trying harder and figuring out the next strategy; it's primarily about surrendering to Him and His healing!

Are you ready? He's calling you to TAKE ACTION!

Did Your Heart Skip a Beat? If You Said Yes-Be Intentional and Act Now!

Romance is Right Around the Corner

Enroll Now

The truth is:

  • You Need a 3-Corded-Marriage That's Not Easily Broken!

    In other words, according to the Bible a 3 corded strand is not easily broken. So if you want an intimacy- centered marriage (not a child-centered, work-centered, or ministry centered) marriage, but one where you, your spouse and the Lord are intimately entwined together. So you need something DIFFERENT than all the books, and blogs you've read, podcasts you've listened to and counselors you've seen. YOU NEED HIM! Guess what? He's at the center of this course.

  • Your Marriage Can't Weather the Storms of Life

    If you're not consistently and regularly making love, connecting emotionally and spiritually, and touching each other affectionately your marriage will die. When you do the above things, God created a bonding hormone called oxytocin to release to help you stay lovers rather than just friends or partners. Take a moment and imagine that God has more for you than you could even, hope or dream about! This course will help you experience His incredible gift of a "fig-leaves-off" kind of marriage.

  • You Tell Your Life Story to One Another When You Make Love!

    That means every glorious and painful thing that has ever happened to you from conception until now affects your sexuality. Perhaps, you fear failure from repeated efforts that got you nowhere; but let us remind you that with God all things are possible. That's not just a pat answer abut a reality. He wants to heal you, set you free, and restore you so that you don't dread intimacy with Him or your spouse.

Continue on the Journey to a Better Marriage

$149.95 or 3 Monthly Payments of $65.00

Move Into Passion


About our "Divine Desire" course

  • We're so busy! Where will we find the time?

    The truth is, you're not alone cuz that's everybody's problem whether they're newlyweds, have kids or are empty-nesters! The first things to go when we're too busy is our intimacy with God, our spouse, and then our health. We've solved that problem for you by giving you ideas for creating more space in your lives and you'll create a Romance Calendar to help you organize your priorities and time!

  • We have some serious marriages problems or trauma we're dealing with!

    You can get started with the "Divine Desire" course and if you're unable to move forward you'll learn specific things you can do to allow God to heal and restore you. It can also be done at home in conjunction with any counselor you might be seeing. You can even refer your counselor or mentor to our "Romantic Discipler" training course so they can become certified to use our materials and learn how to help couples sexually, spiritually, and emotionally.

  • My spouse is apathetic, hopeless, or unresponsive to my needs.

    There are many reasons this can happen: trauma (past or present), addictions causing apathy, putting the spouse last on the priority list, not being intentional, ADHD, sexual dysfunctions, medication side effects, or performance anxiety. Since this became our specialty we address it throughout the course, however, you may end up needing marriage counseling. Guess what? This course can be used in conjunction with your counselor.

  • Is there anything I can do before we purchase this course to see if it'll work in our situation?

    Yes, you can purchase the Male and Female Sexual Screening on our website and get a detailed analysis to pinpoint your difficulties and we'll also suggest the next steps that are available to you.

  • We have a great sex life, and we're best friends. Will this course deepen our communication and spiritual connection?

    We think that all healing, restoration, and spiritual transformation comes from God. Therefore, we teach couples how to be intimate with God as well as each other. Everything we teach will make you a better communicator and drive you deeper into God's arms.

  • What if we're not of the Christian faith, or my spouse is not a Christian?

    Being a Christian is not a prerequisite for this course. However, this course is written from the Christian faith. Although we talk about God a lot, we're not preachy. We believe God is loving and gracious. Most sex therapists use "sensate-focus exercises" that they assign a couple to do at home so even though our Intimacy Experiences are Christianized you'll definitely benefit. Who knows, perhaps experiencing His love and healing will lead to a beautiful relationship with Jesus.

  • Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

    You betcha! We believe in our course so much, and we've seen God do miracles in our former counseling practice that we offer a 30-day refund period. However, we also know that it takes two willing spouses to commit to it, so in order to not join in that refusal or apathy by one or both spouses we ask that you complete 3 weeks so you can give our course a chance.

  • How long will we have access to this course?

    You're blessed! You'll have lifetime access to the course materials. We suggest a couple do the course every 2 years so they can keep their marital intimacy a priority. You'll also enjoy all our new updates, Intimacy Experiences, videos and PDF's, etc.

  • How is this course different from any research or other books we've read?

    First of all, and most importantly this is not a lecture course. In fact, our videos are short and encouraging. You'll be engaging with and experiencing our materials (there are at least 36 Intimacy Experiences you'll do), rather than just learning head knowledge or more information.


Since testimonies about a couple's sexuality are private, some of the testimonies will not have identifying names or pictures. But let us assure you. They are real! LOL!

“I would consider myself a strong, mature Christian and yet I had been struggling with fear/trust issues that I just wasn't able to get to the root of and release on my own. In one intensive session, Bill and Janean guided me through a mind-body experience that allowed the Lord to free me from the subconscious issues that had been interfering with my experience of true spiritual freedom. The Divine Desire has been a way for my husband and I to be intimately involved and has kept me in the healing process. ”

Wendy, San Jose, CAWendy, San Jose, CA

“Bill and Janean’s powerful approach to intimacy with God and my spouse has allowed me to go deep, really fast and tap into the strength of Jesus to heal me, without the angst of drudging up and dwelling on the old, toxic memories and stories that were injurious. Their clinical Divine Desire Treatment Protocol has allowed my wife and I to grow closer together. It’s like we have our own personal counselor at our fingertips, guiding us step by step, and in the privacy of our own home. I might add, it's at a fraction of the cost too!. ”

Husband in early fifties, OregonHusband in early fifties, Oregon

“Bill and Janean are a dynamic combination. Their wisdom, experience, training, compassion, and expertise have been invaluable to my own personal path of healing as well as that of my marriage. Had the Lord not led us to them I can’t imagine my marriage would have continued, let alone thrived. The Divine Desire Protocol has aided my husband to open up emotionally and spiritually giving us a more intimate and healthy marriage.”

Abby,  Mid-thirties, ColoradoAbby, Mid-thirties, Colorado

“Our healing experience has been rich and long lasting due to Bill and Janean continually pointing us to God, our true healer, and helping us to better hear His voice and follow His lead. The unique mix of counseling, therapy, bodywork and spiritual direction has brought a freshness and vitality to our marriage. They have encapsulated these modalities into the Divine Desire Treatment Protocol which is now available to everybody. Aside from the work of the Holy Spirit, I can say with confidence that our marriage is where it is today thanks to Bill and Janean. ”

Wife in late forties, CaliforniaWife in late forties, California

“"It is impossible to put into words the impact Bill and Janean have had on my life. God has used them to impact my life in so many positive ways. They have helped to guide me into a more personal, truly intimate relationship with our Father, which means a more intimate, honest relationship with my wife, children and all others around me. We use the Divine Desire to build and practice intimacy on a weekly basis. With this step-by-step direction, the busyness of life is no longer robbing us of intimacy and connection. I am eternally grateful for Fuller's! ”

Husband in late twenties, TexasHusband in late twenties, Texas

As Seen On:

TLC Channel, Ellen, People, The Talk, The Soup. WGN Chicago, KRDO ABC

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

1st - Even though you have completed Divine Desire Foundational, we will still give you a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with Divine Desire Advanced!.

  • Try it Risk Free

    Then you'll get 30 days to try out the "Divine Desire Advanced" course. If you don't see hope and movement toward a deeper and more passionate intimacy in your marriage, we'll give you a refund.

  • There's One Stipulation Though . . .

    However, for this refund to happen we need to know that you have actually entered into the Intimacy Experiences for at least 3 weeks. Why do we do that? For two reasons:

  • No broken hearts allowed

    1. Because it takes two to tango, and both of you need to fully enter into the Intimacy Experiences, we don't want to enable the "lower desire spouse" in staying resistant or apathetic, so we will require a 3-week completion before asking for a refund.

  • We believe in our course!

    2. We're offering this money back guarantee because we believe in our protocol and we've seen God do miracles through it! We want you to experience how marriage-changing this course can be, risk-free! We know that God always shows up.

Two Pricing Options for Your Convenience

Don't let the momentum of the past 12 weeks subside. Show your spouse you are willing to be even more intimate and passionate! Your marriage is worth it!

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